The OctaHive is super high gain fuzz with a well pronounced high pitch octave. The octave can be turned off by the toggle switch, turning it into a warmer and thicker fuzz pedal. The best way to achieve a well pronounced octave sound is by rolling off on the PRE gain and tone control on your instrument. The balance between PRE and Honey is the key to achieve a variety of sounds.
On the octave mode, things can get really nasty, splashy and gated. It's great for high gain leads, specially when played above the 12th fret. With a little less HONEY you can get that "purple haze" tone. At low gain settings it can produce "ring modulator" overtones, great for textures.
With the octave off, it's a whole different pedal, producing a warmer and thicker fuzz tone, making it more versatile and "chord friendly". The OctaHive was based on the 1970's Tycobrahe Octavia and it can produce classic and modern sounds.
A great addition to every pedal board.
Das Produkt wurde vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 vom Hersteller auf den Markt gebracht
und von uns auch schon vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 zum Verkauf angeboten.
Es besteht Konformität des Produkts nach Richtlinie 2001/95/EG.
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