Expanding their Vitalizer line of products, Providence has released a new Vitalizer buffer which offers not only the same pristine buffer that Providence users know and love, but also adds key features such as an effect loop with Send and Return jacks as well as the popular Pitchblack Advance tuner thanks to a collaboration with Korg™.
The effect loop / junction box can also be used as a splitter by turning on the Vitalizer switch and outputting the signal in parallel using the Out and Send outputs.
The Vitalizer will keep the original sound to a low impedance signal, avoiding signal deterioration when using several pedals or long cables. The Vitalizer is also switchable in order to select the regular True-Bypass option.
The System Tuner features the famous Pitchblack Advance by Korg™, a high-precision tuner with excellent visibility ranging from E0 (20.6Hz) to C8 (4.186KHz) in 0.1 cent steps, with A4 ranging from 436 to 445Hz in 1Hz steps. Engaging the tuner will mute the effect loop to bypass any potential noise coming from the effect chain connected to it, to make sure you are tuning the pure signal of your guitar.
The System Tuner can be powered with a 9V battery or an optional power supply from 9 to 18 Volts. The DC Out of the pedal will output the same Voltage you pout in, in order to power other pedals in your rig. This DC Out also has protection to prevent damage from occurring to the external devices connected to it.
To make this an even more unique tool, the System Tuner is available in Black or White, as well as a limited run of Metallic Gray finish.
Das Produkt wurde vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 vom Hersteller auf den Markt gebracht
und von uns auch schon vor dem 13. Dezember 2024 zum Verkauf angeboten.
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